Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Future Freaks Me Out

Unfortunately, not every post can be a postiive one. One thing today that really bothered me was the future. Not so much as my future career or wife, but more importantly how I will be in the future. So much in today's world focuses on the negative, and that affects the way we act and behave. We are constantly emersed by our fears and threats of others. Whether it be the economy, terrorism, or just general paranoia, I can understand why so many people have been under so much stress. My main concern is how am I going to be able to deal with this stress when I finally go out into the real world. As a current student, I constantly find myself in a care-free state. Even when the school and social life blunders stack up, I always seem to land on my feet with the mantra. "its just college". And more importantly we always have the week or weekend to get drunk as a release. But what happens when we leave and actually get jobs that require our attention for 8 or more hours a day for five days a week? I can see why people would turn to the bottle. This is because we no longer have the same releases we did in college such as sports and roommates. I'm concerned that when I leave schoool, I won't be able to deal with the stress as I can now. Simply going to the gym or talking to one of your friends probably won't cut it anymore. Will I turn to drinking every night or some other habit that gives me momentary pleasure? I hope not, but I can certainly see why so many new graduates and even parents lapse into habits not previously experienced. And the logic for these lapses is simple, I was able to do it in college, and it worked then, so it will work now. The truth is when we do graduate, we only have ourselves to count on. I know thats very pessimistic, but we will all eventually move away from our friends and family who have helped guide us through the college experience. Very soon nobody will be able to tell us what to do because we won't live at home, our parents won't be paying for school, and we will be able to provide for ourselves. I guess what I am trying to make sense of is will our quietest whispers be echoed in our enternity? I hope not and I hope when the time comes I'll bend and not break.

Excessively Pleasant
even a shallow pool is deep enough to drown in

1 comment:

Ryan Vaughan said...

I'll give you the secret to a stress free life: big, healthy shits.